Small Animal Riddles, Can You Guess It Right? (Part 11)

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Welcome to the eleventh part of our small animal riddles series! Today, we have an intriguing riddle that describes a fascinating animal. Let's break it down and see if you can guess which animal it is.

  1. Toe like a fan, lips like pliers
    jiǎo zhǐ xiàng shàn zi, zuǐ chún xiàng qián zi
  2. Don't find it for running, swimming is its forte
    sài pǎo bié zhǎo tā, yóu yǒng shì jiān zi
  • 脚趾像扇子,嘴唇像钳子
    jiǎo zhǐ xiàng shàn zi, zuǐ chún xiàng qián zi
    The first two lines describe the physical features of this animal. It has toes that spread out like a fan, perfect for navigating through water. Its lips, or rather its beak, are compared to pliers, strong and effective for grabbing and holding onto food.
  • 赛跑别找它,游泳是尖子
    sài pǎo bié zhǎo tā, yóu yǒng shì jiān zi
    The next two lines give us clues about its abilities. This animal isn't known for running; in fact, it's quite clumsy on land. However, it's an excellent swimmer, excelling in water and moving gracefully with its webbed feet.

So, have you guessed it yet? It's the duck 鸭子(yā zi)!

Ducks are amazing creatures with unique adaptations that make them excellent swimmers. Their webbed feet act like paddles, and their beaks are perfect for foraging in water.

Key Sentences:

  1. The duck swims in the pond.

yā zi zài chí táng lǐ yóu yǒng.
  2. The duck quacks loudly.


    yā zi dà shēng de jiào.
  3. The duck eats some bread.

yā zi chī le yī xiē miàn bāo.

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