A Simple Soar for the Clumsy Bird-笨鸟先飞 (bèn niǎo xiān fēi)

Monday, November 20, 2023

In a tranquil forest lived a clumsy little bird named Xiao Ben. He was slower in learning to fly than the other birds and couldn't soar very high. One day, Xiao Ben heard the story of an eagle. The eagle's advice was profound: "笨鸟先飞 (bèn niǎo xiān fēi) - Clumsy birds should attempt flight first, meaning, bravely try without fear of 失败 (shī bài) failure." Inspired by this wisdom, Xiao Ben dedicated himself to learning to fly and eventually became the bravest bird in the forest.

失败 (shī bài), noun, failure


  1. Despite the failure, he remained determined to try again.
    Jǐnguǎn zāoyù shībài, tā réng juéxīn zàicì chángshì.
  2. Learning from failure is crucial for personal growth.
    Cóng shībài zhōng xuéxí duì gèrén chéngzhǎng zhì guān zhòngyào.

Inspiration of 笨鸟先飞 (bèn niǎo xiān fēi)

"笨鸟先飞" teaches us that in the face of challenges, it's more crucial to bravely attempt than to fear failure. Everyone has a different learning process, and the key is to persistently believe in one's ability to progress. Instead of giving up due to initial clumsiness, it encourages moving forward with 勇气 (yǒng qì) courage and facing difficulties head-on.

勇气 (yǒng qì), noun, courage


  1. Having courage is crucial when facing difficult situations.
    Miàn duì kùnjìng shí yǒngyǒu yǒngqì shì zhì guān zhòngyào de.
  2. She showed great courage in standing up for what was right.
    Tā zài wéihù zhèngyì fāngmiàn biǎoxiàn chū le jídà de yǒngqì.

Meaning of the Phrase

笨鸟先飞 (bèn niǎo xiān fēi): Idiom, metaphorically suggesting in learning or working, one should bravely try regardless of clumsiness.

Modern Application

This Chinese story is equally relevant in modern times. It encourages people to maintain courage and confidence when facing new challenges or adversity, not to retreat due to initial difficulties. Success often comes from continuous efforts and determined struggles.

Key Sentences:

  1. Despite being clumsy, a clumsy bird should fly early.
    Jǐnguǎn yǒuxiē bèn zhuō, bèn niǎo xiān fēi.
  2. In the end, a clumsy bird should fly early, proving that effort and courage lead to success.
    Zuìzhōng, bèn niǎo xiān fēi, zhèngmíng le nǔlì hé yǒngqì huì dài lái chénggōng.
  3. "A clumsy bird should fly early," encouraging us to face challenges with courage and determination."
    Bèn niǎo xiān fēi, gǔlì wǒmen yòng yǒngqì hé juéxīn miàn duì tiǎozhàn.

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