HSKK Basic Level

  • Designed for learners who are new to Chinese and even cannot speak the simple daily words.
  • You will accquire about 200 common words and phrases.
  • After you finish this level, you are able to understand simple Chinese and can conduct basic conversation on familiar daily topics.
  • You don't need to know Chinese characters.

I. Test Content

The HSKK (Beginner Level) is divided into three parts, with a total of 27 questions.

Test content

       Number of Items


Section 1

Repeat after Listening



Section 2

Reply after Listening



Section 3

Answer the Questions






All tests take about 17 minutes (including 7 minutes for preparation)

Part I consists of fifteen questions. For each question, a sentence recording will be played, the candidate should repeat it after listening.

Part II consists of ten questions. For each question, the recording of a question will be played, the candidate should give a short answer after listening.

Part III consists of two questions. There are two questions (with pinyin) provided on the test paper, and the candidate answers the questions, speaking at least 5 sentences per question.

II. Score Report

The full score of HSKK (Beginner Level) is 100, and a score of 60 points is considered qualified.

Full Score

Passing Score

              Your Score




HSKK scores are used as proof of foreign students' ability to learn Chinese in Chinese universities and colleges, which are valid for two years (from the date of the examination).

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FAQ / Tips

Our learning is different from traditional language learning in a number of ways. Firstly, we use technology to enhance the learning experience and provide personalized learning paths for each student. Secondly, our focus is not just on language proficiency, but also on cultural understanding and practical application of the language.Thirdly, we place a strong emphasis on developing speaking and listening skills, as well as reading and writing.Additionally, we incorporate modern teaching methods and materials, such as multimedia resources and interactive exercises.Finally, our courses are designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing students to learn at their own pace and according to their own schedule.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can send an email to: service @chineselearning.com.We have a team of professionals who will be happy to assist you with any issues as soon as possible.
Before starting any Chinese language course, the teacher will assess your Chinese language proficiency level through a placement test.This helps to determine your current level of understanding and ability in Chinese, and allows the teacher to tailor the course materials and teaching methods to your specific needs and goals. The placement test may include assessments of your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.Based on the results of the test, the teacher will be able to recommend an appropriate course of study for you.
No, the tuition fees you have paid cover all costs.There are no additional fees or hidden charges. We strive to be transparent and upfront with our pricing, ensuring that our clients receive the best value for their investment.
At Chinese Learning, protecting our customers' personal information is a top priority. We have implemented robust security measures to safeguard your data and prevent any unauthorized access or disclosure. For further information on our privacy practices, please refer to our Privacy Policy, which outlines our commitment to data protection and privacy.
We provide a wealth of Chinese teaching materials and learning resources, including but not limited to textbooks, workbooks, listening materials, reading materials, video courses, and online courses.Our teaching materials and resources are carefully selected and designed to meet the learning needs and goals of different learners. At the same time, our teachers will provide personalized teaching and guidance based on the learning characteristics and needs of students to ensure that students can learn and master Chinese language efficiently.