Chinese spelling alphabet – phonetic vowel table(yun mu)

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Chinese Pinyin alphabet, vowel (yùn mǔ). It is a Chinese phonological term, which refers to the parts other than the initials and tones of Chinese characters. The old name is rhyme. Vowels are composed of three parts: beginning (preposition), abdomen (main vowel) and ending; According to finals, they can be divided into single syllable, compound vowel and simple final vowel.

phonetic vowel table-yun mu

Chinese phonetic vowel table: a, o, e, i, u, ü, ai, ei, ui, ao, ou, iu, ie, ü e, er, an, en, in, un, ü n, ang, eng, ing, ong.

Classification of Chinese phonetic vowels (based on the textbook of Chinese phonetic alphabet in Chinese in primary school):

  1. Simple Final Vowels: a, o, e, i, u, u;
  2. Compound Vowels: ai, ei, ui, ao, ou, iu, ie, ü e;
  3. Special Vowel: er;
  4. Nasal Vowels: an, en, in, un, ü n, ang, eng, ing, ong;
  5. Anterior Nasal Vowels: an, en, in, un, ü n;
  6. Back Nasal Vowels: ang, eng, ing, ong.

There are 24 finals in the Chinese language of primary school, including 6 simple final rhymes, 8 Multiple finals, 1 special vowels, 9 nasal vowels (5 nose nose vowels, 4 rear nasal vowels).

Usage of finals in Chinese Pinyin and Analogy with English pronunciation rules

simple final vowels: 

a  (Like "a" in “father” (American pronunciation)

  • ā(aunt)
  • (father)

o (Like “wo" Lips do not close as the sound isrnade; instead they open further)

  • (me, I)
  • (Buddha)

e (Like “uh” in English, similar to the“u”inunder.)

  • 饿 è (hungry)
  • kuài (happy)

i  (Usually pronounced as "ee" as in“he" but after c/s/z and ch/sh/zh/r it is pronounced.)

  • (you)
  • fàn (rice)

u (Usually pronounced as in "you”)

  • (no) 
  • shū (book)

ü (First, try to pronounce "i", and then your tongue stays here, gradually purse your lips.)

  • 绿 (green)
  • (huge)

compound final vowels: 

ai (as "igh" in "high")

  • ài (cute)
  • bái (white)

ei (like a long "a" or the "ei" in "eight")

  • lèi (tired)
  • hēi (black)

ui (like "way")

  • huí (back)
  • huī (grey)

ao (as in "how" or "out") 

  • hǎo (good)
  • māo (cat)

ou  (like the "ow" in "low" or "boat")

  • ɡǒu (dog)
  • kǒu (mouth)

iu (like "yo")

  • xiù zi (sleeve)

ie (like ye in "yes")

  • jié (holiday)
  • xièxiè (thanks)

üe (as in“wet")

  • xué (learn)
  • xué shēng (student)

er (similar to "er" in American English, but the mouth opened a little more.)

  • ér (however)
  • ěr liào (bait)

an (like an in "bank")

  • ān quán (safe)
  • dàn shì (but)

en (Like“un”in “under”, but with the vowel alittle higher and further forward.)

  • rén (person)
  • hèn (hate)

in (about halfway between“as in green-eenand“-in”as in“pin" .)

  • jīn zi (gold)
  • yīn wèi (because)

un (ü+n)

  • jié hūn (marry)
  • cūn zhuāng (village)


  • yún duǒ (cloud)
  • yùn dòng (sport) 

ang (like“a”(as in “father”) +"-ng")

  • bāng (help)
  • huáng (yellow)

eng (Like“-ung" as in “hung")

  • lěng (cold)
  • téng (aches)

ing (Like English “ing", but the first sound a littlehigher and longer)

  • yíng (win)
  • ān jìng (quiet)


  • cóng (since)
  • dōng tiān (winter)

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