Learn Chinese Words: chǒnɡ wù jiǔ diàn (宠物酒店)

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Nowadays, many pet owners are afraid that it will be inconvenient to entrust their pets to their relatives and friends when they are going out on vacation, and they are also afraid that they will not take good care of them. At this time, the pet hotel has become the best choice. Its rise has solved many problems for pet families.

A: I heard that you are going on a business trip to Hang Zhou tomorrow. What are you going to do with your dog at home?


(tīnɡshuō nǐ mínɡtiān yàoqù hánɡ Zhōu  chūchà, nǐ jiā de ɡǒuɡǒu kě zěnmebàn?)

B: I was just worrying about this. Although my friend said he can feed my dog every day, he may not have enough time to take it for a walk.  


(wǒ yě zhènɡ fāchóu ne.suīrán wǒ pénɡyǒu shuō tā nénɡɡòu bānɡwǒ měitiān ɡěi ɡǒuɡǒu wèishí, dànshì měitiān liúɡǒu tā kěnénɡ méiyǒu shíjiān.)

A: You know there is a service called a pet inn, right?  


(nǐ zhīdào xiànzài yǒu yīzhǒnɡ jiàozuò chǒnɡwù jiǔdiàn de fúwù ma?)

B: I've actually never heard of that before. What is a pet inn?  


(wǒ hái zhēn méi tīnɡshuō ɡuò, shenme shì chǒnɡwù jiǔdiàn?) 

A: It provides pets a place to stay. When pet owners have to travel and can't take care of their pets, a pet inn can help them take care of their animals, to guarantee feeding them and letting them get some exercises.

它提供宠物寄宿服务。当宠物主人外出无法照顾宠物时, 宠物酒店可以帮忙照顾小动物,并保证它们每日的餐食和运动。

(tā tíɡònɡ chǒnɡwù jìsǔfúwù.dānɡ chǒnɡwù zhǔrén wàichū wúfǎ zhàoɡù chǒnɡwù shí, chǒnɡwù jiǔdiàn kěyǐ bānɡmánɡ zhàoɡù xiǎodònɡwù, bìnɡ bǎozhènɡ tāmén měirì de cānshí hé yùndònɡ.)

B: This is exactly what I need. Thanks for telling me.  


(zhè zhènɡshì wǒ xūyào de, xièxiè nǐ ɡàosù wǒ.)

A: No need to be so polite, because it can be very busy working in big cities, pet inns are pretty common in many major cities in China.  

不客气,因为都市工作生活的繁忙, 宠物旅馆在许多中国大城市都十分普遍。

(bùkèqì, yīnwéi dōushì ɡōnɡzuò shēnɡhuó de fánmánɡ, chǒnɡwù jiǔdiàn zài xǔduō zhōnɡɡuó dàchénɡshì dōu shífēn pǔbiàn.)

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