Chinese song-I was a little confused-wo hai you dian xiao hu tu-我还有点小糊涂

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Do you want to learn Chinese through songs? Here is a song named-I was a little confused. Have you ever heard it before? Let's take a look.

The winter vacation just ended,
dōng  mián  jià  qī  gāng  gāng  jié  shù,
I'm still a little confused,
wǒ  hái  yǒu  diǎn  hú  tu,
Birds wake the forest overhead,
niǎo  er  zài  tóu  dǐng  bǎ  sēn  lín  jiào  xǐng,
The spring air makes me comfortable,
chūn  tiān  kōng  qì  ràng  wǒ  hěn  shū  fu, 

The sun was red in the sky,
tiān  shang  tài  yáng  yǐ  hóng  pū  pū,
It looks very blurry,
kàn  qǐ  lái  hěn  mó  hu,
There are some small trees on the distant hillside,
yuǎn  chù  shān  pō  yǒu  jǐ  kē  xiǎo  shù,
I didn't remember it last year before hibernation,
qù  nián  dōng  mián  qián  wǒ  méi  jì  zhù,  

Grass and berries sweet,
qīng  cǎo  xiāng  jiāng  guǒ  tián,  

Drinking the dew and leaning against the tree,
hē  zhe  lù  shui  kào  zhe  shù,

Raise your head on tiptoe,
tái  qǐ  tou  diǎn  jiǎo  jiān, 

Quicken my pace of growing up,
jiā  kuài  wǒ  zhǎng  dà  de  jiǎo  bù,  

Whistling and humming,
chuī  kǒu  shào  hēng  zhe  gē,

Wobble and find your way,
yáo  yáo  huàng  huàng  zhǎo  dào  lù,  

Shake your head and rub your eyes,
huàng  nǎo  dai  róu  yǎn  jing,
Growing up, I was a little confused.
zhǎng  dà  de  wǒ  hái  yǒu  diǎn  xiǎo  hú  tu。  

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Our learning is different from traditional language learning in a number of ways. Firstly, we use technology to enhance the learning experience and provide personalized learning paths for each student. Secondly, our focus is not just on language proficiency, but also on cultural understanding and practical application of the language.Thirdly, we place a strong emphasis on developing speaking and listening skills, as well as reading and writing.Additionally, we incorporate modern teaching methods and materials, such as multimedia resources and interactive exercises.Finally, our courses are designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing students to learn at their own pace and according to their own schedule.
Our Chinese learning method is focused on personalized and interactive one-on-one lessons with a professional teacher. The lessons are conducted live through our online teaching platform, which allows you to see and talk to the teacher. You can schedule the lessons at a time that suits you, and the teacher will tailor the lesson content to your specific needs and goals. During the lesson, you can ask questions and receive feedback from the teacher to ensure you understand and master the knowledge and skills being taught. We also have a student service team and academic coordinator team to assist you with your learning and provide any additional support you may need.Overall, our method is designed to be flexible, personalized, and interactive to help you achieve your language learning goals.
Our instructors are highly skilled and experienced experts in Chinese language teaching, with proficiency in multiple languages. They hold at least a bachelor's degree in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and possess extensive teaching experience and knowledge. Through a rigorous selection process and ongoing training, our instructors are equipped to provide students with authentic pronunciation, accurate language usage, and cultural background knowledge, all of which are essential for achieving mastery of the Chinese language.
Our students come from a wide range of ages, from 3 years old to over 80 years old. Our courses are tailored to each student's age and proficiency level to ensure they can receive maximum benefit and progress. Whether you want to learn Chinese as a second language or improve your existing Chinese skills, we can provide you with courses and resources that are suitable for you
Before starting any Chinese language course, the teacher will assess your Chinese language proficiency level through a placement test.This helps to determine your current level of understanding and ability in Chinese, and allows the teacher to tailor the course materials and teaching methods to your specific needs and goals. The placement test may include assessments of your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.Based on the results of the test, the teacher will be able to recommend an appropriate course of study for you.