What are you preparing to buy for the Double 11 Shopping Festival?

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Singles Day is an annual 24-hour shopping event in China. It brings in billions of dollars in sales and uses celebrities to promote the countdown in the hours leading up to midnight. It takes places on November 11th, a.k.a11-11, and it emerged as a day to celebrate, well, being single, hence all the "ones". It first became a popular day for young people in China to buy something for themselves. But now, it doesn't discriminate, with comsumers from all age groups and relationship statuses getting themselves. Fast forward  from a university campus in the 90s today, where in 2017 Alibaba generated a whopping $25 billion dollars from the 24-hour Singles Day event. At its peak, it was handling 256000 transactions per second. Meanwhile, more than 775 million parcels were shipped from that day's orders. Now the once a year double-eleven Shopping Festival has started again, what are you preparing to buy?



A:yì nián yí dù de shuānɡ shí yí ɡòu wù jié yòu kāi shǐ le , nǐ tún huò le mɑ ? 
  一 年   一 度 的 双     十  一 购  物 节  又  开  始  了 , 你 囤  货  了 吗 ? 
The once a year  double-eleven Shopping Festival has started again,do you stock up?

B: ǒ xiǎnɡ mǎi kǒu hónɡ , dàn shì ɡānɡ shànɡ jià jiù bèi fēnɡ qiǎnɡ le 。 
我 想    买  口  红   , 但  是  刚   上    架  就  被  疯   抢    了 。 
I wanted to buy lipstick, but they were snapped up as soon as they were on the shelves.

A: mài dé zhè me huǒ bào mɑ ? nǐ zài nǎ mǎi de ? 
卖  得 这  么 火  爆  吗 ? 你 在  哪 买  的 ?
Is it selling so well? Where did you buy it?

B: wǒ zài lǐ jiā qí zhí bō jiān 。 
我 在  李 佳  奇 直  播 间   。
I'm in Li Jiaqi's studio.

A: tā zhí bō jiān de kǒu hónɡ shì qiǎnɡ shǒu huò 。 
他 直  播 间   的 口  红   是  抢    手   货  。 
The lipsticks sell like hot cakes in his studio.

B: xià cì wǒ jiù bú còu rè nɑo le 。 
下  次 我 就  不 凑  热 闹  了 。
I won't join in the fun next time.

Key Words

yì nián yí dù de 
一 年   一 度 的

jù lè bù yì nián yí dù de yàn huì jiānɡ yú 6 yuè 3 rì jǔ xínɡ 。 to
俱 乐 部 一 年   一 度 的 宴  会  将    于 6 月  3 日 举 行   。
The club's annual dinner will be held on 3 June.

tún huò 
囤  货 
stock up

shuānɡ shí yì nǐ tún huò le mɑ ? 
双     十  一 你 囤  货  了 吗 ? 
Did you stock up on Double 11?

fēnɡ qiǎnɡ 
疯   抢 
snap up

jǐ ɡè xiǎo shí zhī nèi shí wù jiù bèi fēnɡ qiǎnɡ wán liǎo 。 
几 个 小   时  之  内  食  物 就  被  疯   抢    完  了   。 
A lot of foods were snapped up within hours.

qiǎnɡ shǒu huò 
抢    手   货
sell like hotcakes

wài miàn hěn rè , wǒ men de bīnɡ qí lín yí dìnɡ huì chénɡ wéi qiǎnɡ shǒu huò 。 
外  面   很  热 , 我 们  的 冰   淇 淋  一 定   会  成    为  抢    手   货  。 
It is hot outside, our ice cream will sell like hot cakes.

còu rè nɑo 
凑  热 闹 
join in the fun

kuài ! zán men qù còu ɡè rè nɑo 。 
快   ! 咱  们  去 凑  个 热 闹  。 
Come on! Let's join in the fun!

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Our students come from a wide range of ages, from 3 years old to over 80 years old. Our courses are tailored to each student's age and proficiency level to ensure they can receive maximum benefit and progress. Whether you want to learn Chinese as a second language or improve your existing Chinese skills, we can provide you with courses and resources that are suitable for you
Our instructors are highly skilled and experienced experts in Chinese language teaching, with proficiency in multiple languages. They hold at least a bachelor's degree in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and possess extensive teaching experience and knowledge. Through a rigorous selection process and ongoing training, our instructors are equipped to provide students with authentic pronunciation, accurate language usage, and cultural background knowledge, all of which are essential for achieving mastery of the Chinese language.
We offer a referral program that rewards both you and your friend with free classes.To participate, simply refer a friend to our program and once they successfully enroll, both you and your friend will receive free classes.We appreciate your support and look forward to helping you and your friend achieve your language learning goals.
We provide a wealth of Chinese teaching materials and learning resources, including but not limited to textbooks, workbooks, listening materials, reading materials, video courses, and online courses.Our teaching materials and resources are carefully selected and designed to meet the learning needs and goals of different learners. At the same time, our teachers will provide personalized teaching and guidance based on the learning characteristics and needs of students to ensure that students can learn and master Chinese language efficiently.
Our Chinese learning method is focused on personalized and interactive one-on-one lessons with a professional teacher. The lessons are conducted live through our online teaching platform, which allows you to see and talk to the teacher. You can schedule the lessons at a time that suits you, and the teacher will tailor the lesson content to your specific needs and goals. During the lesson, you can ask questions and receive feedback from the teacher to ensure you understand and master the knowledge and skills being taught. We also have a student service team and academic coordinator team to assist you with your learning and provide any additional support you may need.Overall, our method is designed to be flexible, personalized, and interactive to help you achieve your language learning goals.
Yes, our website offers courses in both traditional and simplified Chinese characters. You can choose the character set that you want to learn based on your personal preference or learning goals.Our courses are designed to accommodate learners of all levels and backgrounds, so whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, we have resources that can help you improve your Chinese language skills.