Top 50 medical terms related to neurological disorders
How much do you know about professional terminology related to neurological disorders in the field of neuroscience? Mastering specialized vocabulary is essential in the language learning process. This article will present fifty medical terms related to neurological disorders, allowing you to understand and become acquainted with them. It is believed that this knowledge will enhance the accuracy of your Chinese expressions!
脑膜炎/nǎo mé yán Meningitis
脑卒中/nǎo zú zhòng Stroke
脑瘤/nǎo liú Brain tumor
脑外伤/nǎo wài shāng Head injury
脑梗塞/nǎo gěng sè Cerebral infarction
脑出血/nǎo chū xiě Cerebral hemorrhage
脑淤血/nǎo yū xiě Cerebral congestion
脑缺血/nǎo quē xiě Cerebral ischemia
脑积水/nǎo jī shuǐ Hydrocephalus
脑萎缩/nǎo wěi suō Cerebral atrophy
脑动脉瘤/nǎo dòng mài lú Cerebral aneurysm
脑膨出/nǎo péng chū Brain herniation
脑疝/nǎo shàn Brain hernia
脑病变/nǎo bìng biàn Cerebral degeneration
脑神经/nǎo shén jīng Cranial nerves
脑炎/nǎo yán Encephalitis
脑脓肿/nǎo nóng zhǒng Brain abscess
脑脊液/nǎo jǐ yè Cerebrospinal fluid
脑电图/nǎo diàn tú Electroencephalogram
脑功能障碍/nǎo gōng néng zhàng ài Brain dysfunction
脑病/nǎo bìng Brain disease
脑疾病/nǎo jí bìng Brain disorder
脑病理学/nǎo bìng lǐ xué Neuropathology
脑损伤/nǎo sǔn shāng Brain damage
脑退化/nǎo tuì huà Cerebral degeneration
脑功能恢复/nǎo gōng néng huī fù Brain function recovery
脑血管/nǎo xuè guǎn Cerebral blood vessels
脑性痴呆/nǎo xìng chī dāi Dementia
脑病变/nǎo bìng biàn Cerebral degeneration
脑痉挛/nǎo jìng luán Cerebral spasm
脑功能障碍/nǎo gōng néng zhàng ài Brain dysfunction
脑震荡/nǎo zhèn dàng Concussion
脑功能评估/nǎo gōng néng píng gū Brain function assessment
脑病理/nǎo bìng lǐ Neuropathology
脑病变/nǎo bìng biàn Cerebral degeneration
脑痉挛/nǎo jìng luán Cerebral spasm
脑功能障碍/nǎo gōng néng zhàng ài Brain dysfunction
脑震荡/nǎo zhèn dàng Concussion
脑功能评估/nǎo gōng néng píng gū Brain function assessment
脑病理/nǎo bìng lǐ Neuropathology
脑病变/nǎo bìng biàn Cerebral degeneration
脑痉挛/nǎo jìng luán Cerebral spasm
脑功能障碍/nǎo gōng néng zhàng ài Brain dysfunction
脑震荡/nǎo zhèn dàng Concussion
脑功能评估/nǎo gōng néng píng gū Brain function assessment