
Monday, April 29, 2024



  1. 考试对象不同。华侨港澳台联考主要是为海外华侨及港澳台学生设计的,而高考则是面向中国内地所有高中毕业生的统一招生考试。
  2. 考试科目和内容不同。华侨港澳台联考的科目较少,且分文理科,文科不考政治,理科不考生物,而高考的科目则包括语文、数学、外语以及文综或理综等,且在分值分布和题型上可能存在差异。
  3. 考试难度不同。因为华侨港澳台学生通常因各种原因与祖国内地的教育体系有所脱离,因此华侨港澳台联考注重基础知识,相对容易一些,而高考则更加注重考生综合素质和能力的考察,试题难度相对较高。
  4. 报考人数不同。华侨港澳台联考的报考人数相对较少,竞争压力较小,而高考的报考人数则非常庞大,每年都有数百万人参加。
  5. 录取分数不同。华侨港澳台联考的录取分数线通常较低,而高考的一本录取分数线则较高。
  6. 考试时间和形式不同。华侨港澳台联考的考试通常在每年5月举行,而高考则在6月份举行。




  1. 竞争激烈:尽管联考本身竞争相对较小,但随着报考人数的增加,竞争依然激烈,尤其是对于想要报考内地知名大学的考生。
  2. 费用高:对于大多数家庭来说,参加联考尤其是想要报考香港等地的院校,费用会是一笔不小的开销。
  3. 身份限制:参加联考的前提是孩子需要有香港永居、回乡证以及大陆学籍,这些条件限制了部分考生参与的机会。


  • 身份资格。港澳地区考生需要持有《港澳居民来往内地通行证》或《港澳居民居住证》和香港或澳门的居民身份证;台湾地区考生需要持有《台湾居民来往大陆通行证》或《台湾居民居住证》和在台湾的有效身份证明;华侨考生需要持有中国护照,且考生及其父母一方必须取得住在国长期或永久居留权,且满足特定的居住时间要求。
  • 居住要求。华侨考生本人及其父母一方须取得住在国长期或永久居留权,并在住在国连续居留2年,两年内累计居留不少于18个月,其中考生本人须在报名前2年内(即2019年4月1日至2021年3月31日)在住在国实际累计居留不少于18个月;若考生本人或其父母一方未取得住在国长期或永久居留权,但已取得住在国连续5年以上(含5年)合法居留资格、5年内在住在国累计居留不少于30个月,且考生本人在报名前5年内在住在国实际累计居留不少于30个月的,也可参加报名。
  • 教育背景。考生需要具有高中毕业文化程度或同等学力。
  • 此外,考生还需要满足一些其他条件,如品德良好、身体健康等。







  • 报名时间:2024年3月1日至3月31日,其中3月1日至15日为网上报名时间,3月11日至31日为报名确认时间。
  • 报名方式:采用网上报名和现场报名相结合的方式,其中港澳台考生实行网上报名确认,华侨考生实行现场报名确认。
  • 考试时间:
  • 5月18日(周六):09:00—11:30 中文
                                   13:30—15:30 英语
    5月19日(周日):09:00—11:00 数学
                                   13:00—15:00 物理、历史
                                   16:00—18:00 化学、地理
  • 考试地点:北京、上海、福州、广州、香港、澳门

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No, the tuition fees you have paid cover all costs.There are no additional fees or hidden charges. We strive to be transparent and upfront with our pricing, ensuring that our clients receive the best value for their investment.
We provide a wealth of Chinese teaching materials and learning resources, including but not limited to textbooks, workbooks, listening materials, reading materials, video courses, and online courses.Our teaching materials and resources are carefully selected and designed to meet the learning needs and goals of different learners. At the same time, our teachers will provide personalized teaching and guidance based on the learning characteristics and needs of students to ensure that students can learn and master Chinese language efficiently.
As a first - time student, if you are not completely satisfied with our service, we offer a cancellation policy that allows you to cancel your subscription before the first month. In such cases, we only charge a one - month fee and refund the remaining balance to you as soon as possible.We strive to ensure that our customers are fully satisfied with our service and are committed to providing a hassle - free refund process.
Our Chinese learning method is focused on personalized and interactive one-on-one lessons with a professional teacher. The lessons are conducted live through our online teaching platform, which allows you to see and talk to the teacher. You can schedule the lessons at a time that suits you, and the teacher will tailor the lesson content to your specific needs and goals. During the lesson, you can ask questions and receive feedback from the teacher to ensure you understand and master the knowledge and skills being taught. We also have a student service team and academic coordinator team to assist you with your learning and provide any additional support you may need.Overall, our method is designed to be flexible, personalized, and interactive to help you achieve your language learning goals.
We offer a referral program that rewards both you and your friend with free classes.To participate, simply refer a friend to our program and once they successfully enroll, both you and your friend will receive free classes.We appreciate your support and look forward to helping you and your friend achieve your language learning goals.
Our learning is different from traditional language learning in a number of ways. Firstly, we use technology to enhance the learning experience and provide personalized learning paths for each student. Secondly, our focus is not just on language proficiency, but also on cultural understanding and practical application of the language.Thirdly, we place a strong emphasis on developing speaking and listening skills, as well as reading and writing.Additionally, we incorporate modern teaching methods and materials, such as multimedia resources and interactive exercises.Finally, our courses are designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing students to learn at their own pace and according to their own schedule.