HSK Words: 果断 (guǒ duàn) VS 武断 (wǔ duàn)

Friday, November 10, 2023

Today, we will learn the HSK Words: 果断 (guǒ duàn) VS 武断 (wǔ duàn). They are easily confused, so we should pay more attention to them when using them. Let's study together!

果断 (guǒ duàn) means that a person can make a well-thought-out decision in time and implement it thoroughly without any hesitation or doubt in action.


  1. He is decisive.
     tā bàn shì guǒ duàn 。
  2. Xiaohong decisively took out a ruler.
     xiǎo hóng guǒ duàn ná chū yī bǎ zhí chǐ 。
  3. I decided to choose this one.
     wǒ guǒ duàn de xuǎn zé zhè gè 。

武断 (wǔ duàn) is  judging right and wrong by power or acting arbitrarily. Only by subjective judgment. Subjective and blind self-confidence.


  1. He is so arbitrary!
     tā tài wǔ duàn le !
  2. This is also an arbitrary decision.
     zhè shì gè wǔ duàn de jué dìng 。
  3. You can't make arbitrary conclusions.
     bù néng wǔ duàn de zuò jié lùn 。

Quiz: Please consider whether to use “果断” (guǒ duàn) or “武断” (wǔ duàn)  in following sentences.

  1. 你要___,不要___。
    nǐ yào ___, bù yào ___。
  2. 他永远保持着___的自信。
     tā yǒng yuǎn bǎo chí zhe ___ de zì xìn 。
  3. 我们要___的处理问题。
     wǒ men yào ___ de chǔ lǐ wèn tí 。


  1. 果断(guǒ duàn) 武断(wǔ duàn
  2. 武断(wǔ duàn
  3. 果断(guǒ duàn)

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