Children Story-Shengnong Tastes Hundreds of Herbs-shen nonɡ chɑnɡ bɑi cɑo-神农尝百草

Friday, March 31, 2023

Do you want to learn Chinese through stories? Here is a story named-Shengnong Tastes Hundreds of Herbs. Had you ever heard it before? Let's take a look.

Shengnong, an inventor of agriculture in ancient Chinese mythology, was the chief of an ancient tribe that lived some 5,000 years ago.
shén nónɡ shì zhōnɡ ɡuó ɡǔ dài shén huà zhōnɡ nónɡ yè de fā mínɡ zhě,shì shēnɡ huó zài dà yuē 5000 nián qián de yí ɡè ɡǔ dài bù luò shóu lǐnɡ。 

Under Shengnong's leadership, food problem had been solved.
zài shén nónɡ de dài lǐnɡ xià,shí wù wèn tí dé dào liáo jiě jué。 

However, people still got sick.
rán ér,rén men hái shì huì shēnɡ bìnɡ。
Once people got sick, they died early without any cure.
yí dàn shēnɡ bìnɡ,méi yǒu rèn hé de zhì liáo fānɡ fǎ,rén men hěn zǎo jiù qù shì le。 

Therefore, people's life span was extremely short at that time.
yīn cǐ,dānɡ shí rén lèi de shòu mìnɡ shì jí qí duǎn de。 

Shennong determinedly went everywhere to taste every flower and herb to look for medcine for human beings.
shén nónɡ xià dìnɡ jué xīn chánɡ biàn měi yì zhònɡ huā cǎo,wéi rén lèi xún zhǎo yào wù。 

At the begining, he tasted a small fresh leaf, as this leaf fell into his stomach,  it cleaned every inch of his insides so that every organ top and bottom was so fresh and cool,  so shengnong called it "cha", which is the tea we drink today.
一开始,他尝到了一片新鲜的小叶子,当这片叶子进入他的胃里,它清洁了他的内在,使每个从上到下的器官都无比清爽,因此,神农称其为“茶”,也就 是我们现在所喝的茶。 
yì kāi shǐ,tā chánɡ dào le yí piàn xīn xiān de xiǎo yè zi,dānɡ zhè piàn yè zi jìn rù tā de wèi lǐ,tā qīnɡ jié le tā de nèi zài,shǐ měi ɡè cónɡ shànɡ dào xià de qì ɡuān dōu wú bǐ qīnɡ shuǎnɡ,yīn cǐ,shén nónɡ chēnɡ qí wéi “chá”,yě jiù shì wǒ men xiàn zài suǒ hē de chá。 

Afterwards, Shengnong also tasted a little light red flower that looked like a butterfly, which was sweet and delicious, so he called it "licorice".
zhī hòu,shén nónɡ hái chánɡ le yì zhǒnɡ kàn qǐ lái xiànɡ hú dié de qiǎn hónɡ sè xiǎo huā,tā de wèi dào tián měi ké kǒu,yīn cǐ,shén nónɡ jiào tā “ɡān cǎo”。 

In this way, Shengnong diligently tasted almost thousands of flowers and herbs, and he made notes so that it could tell people which ones could be used to cure the disease, which ones could not.
jiù zhè yànɡ,shén nónɡ xīn qín dì chánɡ le jìn qiān zhònɡ huā huì hé cǎo yào,bìnɡ zuò le bǐ jì,yǐ biàn ɡào su rén men nǎ xiē ké yǐ yònɡ lái zhì liáo jí bìnɡ,nǎ xiē bù nénɡ zhì bìnɡ。 
But one day, Shengnong tasted "Heartbreak grass", and the poison of this herb was so terrible.
dàn yǒu yì tiān,shén nónɡ chánɡ dào le “duàn chánɡ cǎo”,zhè zhǒnɡ cǎo yào de dú xìnɡ tài kě pà。 
Before he died he marked this grass in his note.
lín sǐ qián,tā zài bǐ jì zhōnɡ biāo jì le zhè zhū cǎo。 

Shengnong sacrificed himself to save huminity, but leaving a great precious herb knowledge,
shén nónɡ wèi le zhěnɡ jiù rén lèi ér xī shēnɡ le zì jǐ,dàn què liú xià le bǎo ɡuì de cǎo yào zhī shí。 

People forever commemorate him through this story.
rén men tōnɡ ɡuò zhè ɡe ɡù shi lái yónɡ yuǎn de jì niàn tā。 

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